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What happens if my energy supplier goes out of business?Posted on Tue 28th Sep 2021 at 12:09 PM from Coventry, UK There has been much talk lately about energy companies and prices. This is due to a sharp increase in prices and several smaller suppliers going out of business. It all comes down to the price cap.
EC LocalPosted on Fri 23rd Jul 2021 at 12:52 PM from Coventry For many years I have benefitted from the Entrepreneurs Circle (EC). Not only from their world-class marketing ideas and techniques but from better thinking. The quality of one's thinking is biggest factor in success. My thinking has certainly improved over the years. Much of this is thanks to the EC.
The Learning PlateauPosted on Thu 20th May 2021 at 10:06 AM from Coventry In many areas of life there is a curse. We don't know what we don't know! There is so much to every non-trivial subject that nobody can know everything. The problems is, once we know enough to get our needs met, we stop learning more.
Working from homePosted on Wed 25th Mar 2020 at 12:55 PM from Coventry, UK Given the current coronavirus crisis and the resultant lockdown, lots of people are working from home. For many, this is unfamiliar territory! I don't have an office - I always work from home so I'm sharing some tips which might help.
Meeting people's need through shared livingPosted on Wed 8th Jan 2020 at 03:06 PM from Warwick, UK We do not have to go too far back into the past for home ownership to be an alien concept for most people. It just wasn't a social norm. For most of the three decades following World War 2, council housing was a source of pride.
Heritage Open WeekendPosted on Sun 16th Sep 2018 at 08:21 PM from Coventry, UK This weekend has been the second Heritage Open Weekend of the year. The first being last weekend. Joolz and I have been out and about in Coventry.
Welcome marketingPosted on Thu 12th Apr 2018 at 01:31 PM from Warwick, UK When you hear the words 'marketing' or 'advertising', what image springs into your mind?
Success...Posted on Mon 22nd Jan 2018 at 02:05 PM from Warwick, UK What does success mean to you?
Pay the price...Posted on Thu 11th Jan 2018 at 02:20 PM from Warwick, UK At this time of year quite a few people are still thinking about goals for 2018. Most months I go to a meeting in a hotel which has a popular gymnasium. Every January the car park is overflowing, February it is packed and by March it is back to normal because everybody has got fit!
Electric cars could change society - and soonPosted on Mon 8th Jan 2018 at 02:03 PM from Warwick, UK Whatever you think about electric and autonomous vehicles - they are on their way! [read more.....] ConsistencyPosted on Mon 30th Oct 2017 at 05:52 PM from Warwick, UK Last weekend we put the clocks back and today the temperature has suddenly fallen. These cold dark nights leave no room for doubt that the growing days in the garden are behind us. [read more.....] Bitcoin - where will it go?Posted on Mon 16th Oct 2017 at 01:52 PM from Warwick, UK Bitcoin... By now the world and his wife have heard about Bitcoin. I've been asked recently for my thoughts so I am sure it is high time I wrote a few words.
London Marathon is todayPosted on Sun 23rd Apr 2017 at 10:12 AM from Warwick, UK The City of London today transforms into the stage for one of the world's most iconic events. The 36th London Marathon.
New beginningsPosted on Mon 3rd Apr 2017 at 04:18 PM from Warwick, UK It is April already! A quarter of the way through 2017... But this April marks a number of new beginnings for me and to mark the occasion the garden is bursting into life!
Predictions reviewPosted on Sat 2nd Jul 2016 at 10:02 PM from Warwick, UK At the start of 2016 I made some predictions for the year ahead. As we are now half way through the year it seems like a mid-term review is in order to see how these predictions are coming along.
The size of governmentPosted on Tue 21st Jun 2016 at 12:28 PM from Warwick, UK In the second part of why I believe we should leave the EU without guesswork, I want to consider the role and extend of government on a nation. I think that we can agree that every nation needs governance.
There is more that unites us than divides usPosted on Fri 17th Jun 2016 at 09:26 AM from Warwick, UK The news of the killing of Jo Cox MP yesterday has shocked our nation. I could not believe the words I was hearing and they brought tears to my eyes. "There is more that unites us than divides us" are words from Jo's maiden speech as an MP.
Laws, spirits and waysPosted on Mon 16th May 2016 at 09:41 PM from Warwick, UK In the first part of my look at the EU Referendum I'm looking at a country's identity, and thus at what makes up the identity of its people. Its Laws, Spirit and its Ways.
EU ReferendumPosted on Sat 14th May 2016 at 09:28 PM from Warwick, UK I'm sure it won't have escaped your notice the amount of scaremongery regarding the forthcoming referendum from both sides of the debate. What we want are facts but unfortunately there are no facts.
The power of competitionPosted on Fri 29th Apr 2016 at 08:26 PM from Warwick, UK At the beginning of 2015 I joined Toastmasters. This wasn't out of any need to do a speech but for my own personal development.
Predictions for 2016Posted on Sun 27th Dec 2015 at 03:59 PM from Warwick 2015 is just about at an end and 2016 is nearly upon us. So I thought it would be a bit of fun to make a few predictions for the year ahead. Here are 10 things that might just happen although most are a bit of a long shot. Please comment with your thoughts about these and with your own predictions.
Setting ExpectationsPosted on Sat 26th Sep 2015 at 01:05 PM from Warwick I subscribe to a weekly financial newspaper which arrives by post every Friday. When I checked my emails yesterday I found the publishers telling me my copy of Money Week might be delayed by a day because of a problem at the printing house. [read more.....] Just Do ItPosted on Sun 20th Sep 2015 at 12:23 PM from Warwick When Dan Wieden came up with the Nike slogan in 1988 I wonder if he had any idea how iconic the trademarked words would become.
Just do somethingPosted on Wed 17th Dec 2014 at 06:41 PM from Warwick Part 3 of a short series...
Force it off the list!Posted on Sun 23rd Nov 2014 at 05:10 PM from Warwick Part 2 of a short series...
What will you neglect todo?Posted on Fri 14th Nov 2014 at 10:53 PM from Warwick Part one of a short series...
What's most important?Posted on Mon 8th Sep 2014 at 09:32 PM from Warwick If I were to ask you "what is the most important thing to you?", what would you answer?
Pens and SwordsPosted on Mon 23rd Jun 2014 at 10:54 PM from Warwick There is an old adage that "The pen is mightier than the sword". I understand that this generally means that the written word can change the course of history more effectively than violent revolt or that administrative power is greater than military power. But today I have learnt a new meaning of this wise old saying.
Land of St GeorgePosted on Sun 1st Jun 2014 at 02:18 PM from Warwick My little sis has been trying to work out the words to "Land of St George" by Citizen Steve - as used in the 2014 electotion campaign. I'm surprised that I couldn't find a complete set of lyrics anywhere on the internet so we've sat and transcribed them. Here they are:
One of those daysPosted on Thu 15th May 2014 at 10:03 PM from Warwick Today has been 'one of those days'
Identify yourself!Posted on Mon 12th May 2014 at 09:37 PM from Warwick How do you identify yourself?
Staring at a squirrelPosted on Wed 16th Apr 2014 at 01:16 PM from Priory Park, Warwick This morning I took PatchDog to the local park just like I do most mornings. He loves to chase the squirrels that inhabit the park even though he is nothing like fast enough to catch one.
Express DayPosted on Mon 24th Mar 2014 at 04:34 PM from Warwick This weekend I've been to Express Day which is the company's annual convention. In most jobs people have to be forced to attend such events especially on a weekend! But with Utility Warehouse people really look forward to going along and the atmosphere is always amazing when so many positively happy and motivated people get together. That's what makes Network Marketing so special and so different from virtually every other indsutry.
Taking the pressure offPosted on Sun 16th Feb 2014 at 09:38 PM from Warwick Over the past weeks and months I've been increasingly aware that, by the end of the day, I am not accomplishing most of what I set myself to do in the morning. It has been a frustrating position to be in.
ResolutionsPosted on Wed 8th Jan 2014 at 04:33 PM from Warwick We are already a week into the New Year of 2014.
Family ChristmasPosted on Thu 26th Dec 2013 at 10:42 PM from Warwick This year has been a lovely Christmas for me. Spent with my mother and sister. A few short years ago, the thought of a Christmas like this filled me with dread but this year it has been great...
HolidayPosted on Sun 22nd Dec 2013 at 08:26 PM from Warwick This Christmas time I decided that I will be taking two weeks off from work...because I can! I am wanting to review the methods I use to set and work on goals and Christmas and New Year seem to be the perfect time for this.
Christmas CardsPosted on Thu 19th Dec 2013 at 05:39 PM from Warwick Christmas is always a time to get back in touch with those friends and family that one doesn't talk to very much during the year. And what better way to keep in touch than with a Christmas card?
What's on your business card?Posted on Tue 22nd Oct 2013 at 10:41 PM from Warwick This evening I have been catching up. I have been entering the information off a pile of business cards into my CRM system. I have collected the business cards from a number of networking meetings that I have been to over the past few weeks. Normally I enter these within 2 days of the meeting but currently I am quite a way behind with a number of administrative tasks such as this one.
What to think about.Posted on Fri 18th Oct 2013 at 11:11 PM from Warwick Today has been an eventful day for me. A number of things have gone wrong... I have been expecting an important payment into my bank account which didn't arrive. Plus, it was the dreaded MOT day and the car has failed. Not only will this involve considerable expense but it will also mean the car being out of action for a number of days.
Royal Mail sharesPosted on Tue 8th Oct 2013 at 10:40 PM from Warwick There is no doubt that the privatisation of Royal Mail is one of the biggest stock market events to grab the attention of the public for a long time. For me it marks a realisation of how consistency pays off.
Mobile perseverence pays offPosted on Tue 1st Oct 2013 at 08:46 PM from Shoples, Warwick Since I changed my mobile phone, I have not made any blog posts! This is far from coincidental. I have written most of my blog posts on my previous mobile phone which had a physical QWERTY keyboard. My current phone is with out this feature and so I thought it was going to be virtually impossible to make blog posts from my mobile.
Daily RoutinePosted on Wed 7th Aug 2013 at 06:07 PM from Manchester I've had a daily routine for a few years now and I've been updating that routine every three weeks for at least 18 months. And every time it gets updated, it gets better.
Big change...Posted on Mon 5th Aug 2013 at 08:34 PM from Manchester The last few weeks have been hectic for me - hectic in a good way that is. I have been to numerous workshops, trainings and events and something has become obvious to me. So obvious that I don't know why it has taken me so long to see it!
New HousePosted on Fri 19th Jul 2013 at 10:47 PM from Warwick What a week it has been...
Networking in WarwickPosted on Thu 20th Jun 2013 at 08:37 PM from Warwick I have been doing some business networking for a little over 2 years. But last month I decided to step it up a level and I'm planning to try and attend at least one networking event per week. As I am spending increasingly large amounts of time Warwick it makes sense for me to start networking here.
Keeping a journalPosted on Mon 17th Jun 2013 at 07:40 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester About four months ago I was thinking it would be an idea to keep a journal. However I was concerned that I wouldn't find the time to update it or that I would let it get out of date like I tend to do with my blog!
There's so much to do...Posted on Mon 20th May 2013 at 04:03 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester If, like me, you keep a ToDo List then I'm sure you find that no matter how much you do, there is always more that needs doing. It is a fact of life that you simply cannot do everything that needs doing. There will always be something else to demand your time.
Affirmation of the weekPosted on Mon 15th Apr 2013 at 03:20 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester I've used affirmations for a long time. Statements that I read out loud every night before I settle down for sleep. But I've never been totally convinced at the effectiveness of them. They certainly help if I'm having difficulty with a problem and can refer to them but I'm not sure they do much more.
BookendsPosted on Wed 20th Mar 2013 at 09:14 PM from Warwick There is absolutely no way that we can control what happens during our day and what distractions come along. This is especially true in business. But what we can control is our bookends of the day...how we start our day and how we end our day and what we do in those times.
How safe is your money?Posted on Mon 18th Mar 2013 at 09:16 PM from Warwick There is no doubt that the global economy is in turmoil. Or that politicians and economists fail to agree how to get it under control. However this is hardly surprising given the scale of the unprecedented turmoil.
Out for dinnerPosted on Mon 25th Feb 2013 at 11:09 PM from Warwick Today I've had a day off from cooking for my mother which is nice in itself. But what was even better was that mother and I were invited over by our friend Angela. And she cooked a really nice curry.
The swindle of conventional wisdomPosted on Fri 22nd Feb 2013 at 09:18 PM from Warwick Once again I am in Warwick looking after my aging ancestor. My mother is 88 years old, she has heart problems and is quite infirm which means she is housebound. It is only because myself and my sister are here much of the time that she can continue to stay in her own home.
Searching with picturesPosted on Fri 15th Feb 2013 at 12:33 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester I've just found out about a handy little search option that Google now provides. It is one of those features that I can see being really useful but right now I can't think of a use for it...
Where am I?Posted on Thu 14th Feb 2013 at 10:11 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchesr Earlier this evening I seriously wondered where I was...and it was a very strange feeling made even more wierd because it transpired that I was actually in my own living room!
Frogs...Posted on Tue 29th Jan 2013 at 08:35 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester
Wheel of LifePosted on Wed 23rd Jan 2013 at 09:47 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Anyone who knows anything about me knows that goals are extremely important to me. I set short term goals on a daily basis and every three weeks I have a thorough planning weekend which includes a review of my long term goals. But what I talk about less is another part of that planning weekend, the Wheel of Life.
A Simple SmilePosted on Thu 10th Jan 2013 at 02:38 PM from Nutsford Vale Having managed to avoid the horrid lurgy that has been going around over Christmas and New Year, a few days ago it paid me a visit. Enevitable really but it has meant that PatchDog has not been out for a proper walk for a few day.
What to celebratePosted on Mon 24th Dec 2012 at 10:29 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Earlier today I delivered what I hope will be the last Christmas card except one for a friend I'll see tomorrow. I went to the corner shop to buy bread and milk and thought I'd take a card to the owner. I handed it to him at the checkout and there was a complete look of pleasant surprise on his face. You see he is a Muslim and as such doesn't celebrate Christmas...but niether do I because I am an athiest and don't believe in any god.
Spread a little joyPosted on Sun 23rd Dec 2012 at 11:52 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Today I have been out to Stoke-on-Trent visiting a few friends and delivering the last few Christmas presents. On the journey down I was driving in the outside of a dual carriageway when I saw a child waving out the back window of a car in the inside lane...
EffectuationPosted on Sun 16th Dec 2012 at 02:18 PM from Warwick A couple of months ago I came up with a concept to help me increase my productivity, especially with the routine tasks that I want to get done everyday and that all too often don't get completed.
Birmingham MeetingPosted on Tue 11th Dec 2012 at 10:41 PM from Warwick This evening I have been to a Utility Warehouse meeting in Birmingham with a couple in my downline. It was nice to be given a lift as I virtually always have to drive to such meetings. But, living in Manchester [read more.....] What do you want for Christmas?Posted on Sun 9th Dec 2012 at 10:35 PM from Warwick At this time of year the question "what do you want for Christmas?" is one that I get asked regularly. But I really do not understand the reason for the question!
Taking Control of my jukeboxPosted on Sat 1st Dec 2012 at 11:06 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchesr Today I travelled back home after another stint looking after my mother. I had stayed a day longer than intended as she has a cold on top of her other ailments. By the time I got home Les had already gone out as she is off with her brother to see a band in Wolverhampton tonight.
Woodburning StovePosted on Sun 18th Nov 2012 at 12:58 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Today I am really, really happy because I have accomplished another goal in the past week. My woodburning stove that has for too long been a large ornament is finally working. ![]() National Blogging WeekPosted on Sat 10th Nov 2012 at 12:52 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Apparently the week that has just passed has been "National Blogging Week". I only found out on Thursday from Gaynor Ramsden on Twitter (@GaynorRamsden).
I needed reminding!!!Posted on Mon 5th Nov 2012 at 09:57 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester I got a text from a friend of mine earlier today which simply read: "Congrats 3 years my friend :) x" - I scratched my head, looked on my wall planner but failed to understand what he was on about 3 years...
Goal of a nice meal.Posted on Sat 3rd Nov 2012 at 08:19 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester This week I have achieved the start of a goal that I've been working on for a few weeks now. It is a very simple goal but one that I am delighted to have now started to enjoy. My goal was very simple:
Strange weekPosted on Fri 2nd Nov 2012 at 08:19 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester This past week has been a very strange one for me. Last weekend Les and I went down to Warwick for just a few days so we could be with my mother for her 88th birthday. I am by now used to travelling there and spending a bit of time there without it disrupting my life too much but this time it seems to have been very different.
Passage of time.Posted on Fri 19th Oct 2012 at 10:50 PM from Warwick I sometime cannot believe how much time can pass me by without me noticing. Writing in this blog is a real example of how quickly time passes. I keep meaning to write a new post and then think I'll do it later...or I'll do it tomorrow.
Small Change - Big DifferencePosted on Sun 30th Sep 2012 at 02:37 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Last week I went to a Goal Setting Workshop and I learnt lots. But one little tip I picked up have made a big difference to me. Simply reducing the size of the sheet that my Affirmations are printed on and laminating that sheet has had a massive impact!!! ![]() Trip to BirminghamPosted on Sat 29th Sep 2012 at 12:29 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Most weekends I have a little think about the week that has just gone. I see what I can learn from the week's events and what opportunities I need to follow up on in the future.
Weekend timePosted on Fri 28th Sep 2012 at 10:02 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Some months ago I made a decision that weekends would not simply run into the rest of the week.....instead I would take weekends off. Unless of course there is a craft fair or similar but even these make a change from the usual routine.
Back in at the deep endPosted on Fri 21st Sep 2012 at 10:08 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester Well - Yesterday was the last day of this time at my mother's and my sister brought back PatchDog from his holidays in Norfolk. I decided I would cook a nice meal for us all to share before I returned to Manchester then thought it would be nice to surprise my mother by inviting her best friend over for dinner as well.....
Holiday RelaxationPosted on Fri 14th Sep 2012 at 10:52 AM from Marham, Norfolk It has certainly been good to get away to my sister's in a remote part of Norfolk for a week. Here there is no internet access other than on my phone and although I've brought a laptop with me, it hasn't been switched on at all. I deliberately didn't bring any routine work with me and the only work related things I did bring was a worksheet to help with long term goal plannning but haven't even lo [read more.....] Wolferton Royal StationPosted on Mon 10th Sep 2012 at 09:00 PM from Marham, Norfolk Yesterday we travelled across country from my mother's in the Midlands to my sister's in Norfolk. The journey was a bit of a memory test as it is a very long time since I last drove here and I didn't use my satnav so I could show Lesley some of the sights along the way which would have otherwise been bypassed.
SpinachPosted on Sat 8th Sep 2012 at 04:15 PM from Warwick Gardening is quite a new thing to me. Although I've grown up exposed to gardening and have some knowledge of what needs to be done, I have little idea of what needs to be done when. So to give me some clues I've been watching Gardeners' World on BBC TV to provide some inspiration and guidance.
Some things never changePosted on Sun 2nd Sep 2012 at 07:48 PM from Warwick This morning here at my mother's there was a knock at the door. I answered the door and it was a chap that I was friends with before I left Warwick and moved to Manchester 20 years ago. Knowing that my mother doesn't really like this chap I kept him talking at the doorstep.
Warwick LibraryPosted on Sat 1st Sep 2012 at 10:32 PM from Warwick I have been most impressed today by Warwick Library.
Mine are the mornings.Posted on Fri 31st Aug 2012 at 03:15 PM from Warwick Some time ago I did some soul searching to identify the two top issues in my life that are holding me back from being as successful as I'd like to be. One issue that I found was failing to get out of bed in the morning.....I would wake up but lay there for the next few hours for no real reason achieving nothing and not even getting any quality rest.
Gathering cuttingsPosted on Sat 25th Aug 2012 at 03:14 PM from Manchester It's strange how a small event like sitting out on my mother's patio working can have such far reaching changes. Firstly I made the important decision to change my garden which has been happening steadily. But I also find myself admiring other people's gardens lots more.
Julian AssangePosted on Sun 19th Aug 2012 at 02:36 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester I've just watched the speech by Julian Assange made from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. He has been granted political asylum by Ecuador but it is far from clear how he will ever be able to leave the embassy without being arrested by British Police and extradited to Sweden.
Garden ProgressPosted on Sat 18th Aug 2012 at 05:19 PM from Denton, Manchester I've been back home from my mother's for a week now and things have started to happen with my garden. I'd drawn up a few rough plans but I'm not happy with any of them. It would be very easy to let this delay things but one thing that was immediately apperent once I started drawing plans was that I want a small gravelled area, surrounded by shrubs, suitable for a bistro table and two chairs.
Paying The Price.....Posted on Sun 12th Aug 2012 at 01:12 PM from Mother's patio in Warwick Ask anybody and they will be able to think of things in life that they haven't got, but which they would like. Some people already have a clear list of what is lacking in their life, others will make it up on the spot.
Sleep patternsPosted on Wed 8th Aug 2012 at 10:46 PM from Warwick I have never been a morning person. Even when I was at primary school I was aware that school work was much more difficult before lunch than it was in the afternoon. Plus I was always sent to bed with a feeling that there really should be more of the day still to come.
Opposing OpinionsPosted on Fri 3rd Aug 2012 at 08:57 PM from Warwick It is now a week since the majority of people watched the specticle that was the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games. Everbody I met for the next few days I asked what they thought of the event just as pleasant conversation. But I was quite surprised by the answers I got. So much so that I went out of my way to ask more and more people.
Filling the cracks of the dayPosted on Mon 30th Jul 2012 at 11:43 AM from Mother's patio in Warwick Recently I've noticed alot of people say that they are already very busy in their life and that they don't have time to do this, that or the other. It might be keeping up with old friends, cooking dinner for someone special, starting a part-time business or learning a new skill. My guess is that people have always thought and said these things but only recently have I particularly noticed it.
OlympicsPosted on Sat 28th Jul 2012 at 12:57 AM from Manchester Just like most of the country, and probably most of the world, I have been watching the opening ceremony of the London Olympics 2012. Who could fail to be impressed by the organisation and delivery of an event of such a scale and the great fun of it all. ![]() [read more.....] Prioritising the stress away.Posted on Fri 13th Jul 2012 at 04:48 PM from Warwick Earlier this year my elderly mother became quite seriously ill and had to spend some time in hospital. Since then she has been recovering well but between myself and my sister we try and ensure one of us is here for much of the time. Les has to stay in Manchester to look after PatchDog as mother is asthmatic which means me being very alone dealing with my mother and balancing the rest of my life.
Building motivationPosted on Wed 11th Jul 2012 at 02:39 PM from Manchester In life and in business motivation and drive are important. But when working alone they are essential. Like everybody there are times when my drive and my motivation drop far below the levels that I would like. At these times it is essential to have procedures in place to carry me through, and my daily routine is a major part of this.
Special planning weekend.Posted on Sat 7th Jul 2012 at 12:13 PM from Manchester This weekend is a special weekend for me. It is my planning weekend which happens every three weeks. I will be using this weekend to create a new Daily Routine to last me for the next three weeks. It is this Daily Routine that helps me get positive results and drives the productivity in my life and businesses. But why 3 weeks? [read more.....] Office spacePosted on Thu 5th Jul 2012 at 07:22 PM from Manchester For quite a long time my office here at home was the dining room table. The arrangement worked well but every meal time I had to move my laptop and associated paperwork which was a bit of a pain but nothing too major. [read more.....] Canalside WalkPosted on Wed 4th Jul 2012 at 07:43 PM from Manchester Today I found myself in Hyde with a bit of time to kill. I could have taken myself off to a coffee shop or I could have sat in the car and dealt with emails while listening to an audio book. But instead I decided to take a walk along a short stretch of canal. Why??? [read more.....] It's July!Posted on Sun 1st Jul 2012 at 11:35 AM from Manchester Today is the first day of July......that means that we are half way through the year already! Shocking isn't it? I wonder how many New Year Resolutions are still remembered, let alone kept. [read more.....] New website!Posted on Sat 30th Jun 2012 at 06:57 PM from Manchester For a while now I've been working on a new website for myself. And here it is! [read more.....] |
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts I'm currently
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