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Posted on 20th Mar 2013 at 9:14 PM from Warwick

There is absolutely no way that we can control what happens during our day and what distractions come along. This is especially true in business. But what we can control is our bookends of the day...how we start our day and how we end our day and what we do in those times.

Today I have been thankful that I control my daily bookends and utilise the power of this routine.

I was planning a quiet day catching up on some paperwork and doing some preparation for future projects. About 11am I was working through my morning routine, my bookend, and thinking I was doing well and making good progress. But then unexpectedly I got a phone call from my niece asking for help lifting some furniture, help I was happy to give.

Not only have I designed my life so that I can be flexible but I've also got a morning routine that ensures I get my most important tasks out of the way before any distractions take over. By the time the phone rang I had updated my accounts, checked by diary, dealt with an important letter and spent 45 minutes working on my current business project for the future. All of which ensure that I've moved closer to my goals.

Likewise I have an evening routine. Each evening I ensure I eat a proper meal and take my medication, I sort my incoming emails and then set my goals for the next few days and write out my ToDo List for the next day.

Having a routine really does ensure that things get done. But it also gives more freedom and flexibility. When unexpected things happen like today, knowing the essentials have already been completed gives a great sense of peace.

The Magic of 3 Weeks.

Most people have a few bad habits that don't always serve them or help them achieve and everyone knows how difficult it is to change.

Ian has outlined a simple and effective way to replace bad habits with good success habits which will help those that follow it achieve their goals.

Chris Williams

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There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living
- Nelson Mandela

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