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Spread a little joy

Posted on 23rd Dec 2012 at 11:52 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester
Listening to Van Morrison :: Moondance

Today I have been out to Stoke-on-Trent visiting a few friends and delivering the last few Christmas presents. On the journey down I was driving in the outside of a dual carriageway when I saw a child waving out the back window of a car in the inside lane...

This brought back memories of my own childhood when I would do the same sort of thing during trips out with my mother.

I recall vividly a trip back to the Midlands after visiting my eldest sister in Reading. I waved at the car behind and to my delight the lady driver waved back. Then another car got between us and the nice lady but this time the driver didn't wave, he just ignored me. But it wasn't long before the nice lady was back behind us. And so it went on mile after mile, roundabout after roundabout until we were almost home when the lady indicated off in a different direction I we waved at each other for a final time and passed a knowing smile between us.

During that hour and a half or so something between us had clicked. We were joined by occasional waves and frequent smiles as the miles of road passed behind us. And 40 years later I still recall her face smiling brightly back at me from behind the steering wheel of that blue car as she headed off in a different direction.

Today on that dual carriageway I gave a wave to that little girl waving out the back window. And I was rewarded with a lovely grin stretching across her face. Maybe she won't remember that in 40 years time like I do the lady in the blue car but the moment was precious none the same. And who knows, maybe in 40 years time she will pass on a little wave.....

It doesn't take much to spread a little joy and the opportunities are all around us if only we take a moment to spot them. And it isn't only the recipient that feels the joy.

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