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Small Change - Big Difference

Posted on 30th Sep 2012 at 2:37 PM from Shoples HQ, Manchester
Listening to Suzanne Vega :: Lukka

Last week I went to a Goal Setting Workshop and I learnt lots. But one little tip I picked up have made a big difference to me. Simply reducing the size of the sheet that my Affirmations are printed on and laminating that sheet has had a massive impact!!!

Here is Bumble Bear, one of my night time companions, with the book I am currently reading and the new laminated Affirmations that double as a bookmark.

My Affirmations are short statements of how I want to live my live and the qualities I want to exhibit to those around me. I read them out loud each night after reading some of a book and immediately before settling down to sleep. The problem has been that I forget!!!

All too often a little while after I turn out the light I realise that I haven't read my Affirmations and invariable decide that they will wait until the next day. However, since I have laminated these into a bookmark I have not forgotten once - it's only been a few days but so far I am impressed with how this small change has made such a big difference.

The Magic of 3 Weeks.

Most people have a few bad habits that don't always serve them or help them achieve and everyone knows how difficult it is to change.

Ian has outlined a simple and effective way to replace bad habits with good success habits which will help those that follow it achieve their goals.

Chris Williams

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- Mary Kay Ash

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The Art Of Saying NO
Damon Zahariades