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Posted on 28th Jul 2012 at 12:57 AM from Manchester

Just like most of the country, and probably most of the world, I have been watching the opening ceremony of the London Olympics 2012. Who could fail to be impressed by the organisation and delivery of an event of such a scale and the great fun of it all.

The amount of planning needed is immense. The games themselves have been seven years in the making but their story started well before that. First there was the desire to host them followed by all the work preparing the bid and only once that was successful could actual work start on the games themselves and of course on tonight's ceremony.

Plus all the athletes, trainers, performers started their journey long, long ago. In many cases before the London bid was won. It is the combination of all the planning and all the work by so many different groups that makes it all possible and all come together at the right time.

But throughout I kept being reminded of the question set by the late Jim Rohn - "Can nothing be something?. And as Jim points out: yes, nothing can be something.

You see all the planning and hard work are useless
without a vision. Each athlete competing had a vision. Those involved in preparing for the bid had a vision. And those that made the stadiums and other buildings possible and that created tonight's spectacular had a vision. They had a vision of the future, a vision of something which did not yet exist. But the vision was something.

Tonight's ceremony didn't exist when it was first conceived. But that doesn't mean it was nothing.....it was something that went from an idea to a plan to a goal. And once it was a goal it had substance that could be shared with others who could make it a reality.

Taking time to think and let the mind come up with vision is time well spent. Your ideas and your vision may one day produce something that does exist and really is something - something as big as the opening ceremony perhaps.

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Chris Williams

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- Richard Bach

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