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Big change...

Posted on 5th Aug 2013 at 8:34 PM from Manchester
Listening to Pink Floyd :: Learning To Fly

The last few weeks have been hectic for me - hectic in a good way that is. I have been to numerous workshops, trainings and events and something has become obvious to me. So obvious that I don't know why it has taken me so long to see it!

I have several business interestsbut by far the one that takes up most of my time is Shoples. The one that takes most of thoughts is my Utility Warehouse business.

I work Shoples full time. Most weeks that means 40 plus hours per week. Whereas I work Utility Warehouse very part time. Seldom do I work more than 10 hours per week and most weeks it is more like 5 or 6 hours all week.

And yet, when I look at my earnings, both businesses generate much the same income for me. The big difference is that my Utility Warehouse business pays me more each month than it did the previous month and it will continue to pay me even if I stop working for a while.

So I have decided to stop all the business development and business promotion for Shoples and concentrate on where the easy income is instead. Lesley and I will still be making soap and sending out orders for the time being but how long that will continue I don't really know. Certainly if Shoples continues to exist, it will be in a rather different format to it is right now.

If you fancy finding out about working part time for a full time income then watch this 3 minute video

I never quite believed what Jim Rohn said would ever apply to me but in under 2 years it has!

"Im working full-time on my job, but now Im working part-time on my fortune. Ive found a way not only to make a living, you wont believe this, Ive found a way to make a fortune!

Right now Im working part-time on my fortune and full-time on my job, but it wont be long until Ill be working full-time on my fortune. Can you imagine what life is going to be like?

Can you imagine what that will be like?
I'm close to finding out - want to come along for the journey?

The Magic of 3 Weeks.

Most people have a few bad habits that don't always serve them or help them achieve and everyone knows how difficult it is to change.

Ian has outlined a simple and effective way to replace bad habits with good success habits which will help those that follow it achieve their goals.

Chris Williams

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A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one
- Mary Kay Ash

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The Art Of Saying NO
Damon Zahariades